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How to Contact Us?
I lost my progress! What shall I do?
How do I transfer my progress to another device?
How can I access, update or delete my personal data?
I can't restore my progress!
Clan Upgrade
What's the aim of the game?
How do I build my base?
What if my character dies?
How to create a family and invite friends?
How do I rename a family?
How to leave a family?
How to enter a promo code in the game?
Misty weapons and armor
Ranks of players within a clan
Frail World
Ymir's Flesh and Spirit
Extractor of Ymir's Spirit
I tap "Connect" and nothing happens
I lost my resources!
I didn't get my purchase!
I lost my purchases after death!
The game won't load
What are the minimum requirements?
The game crashes
How to start a raid?
How to steer clear of raiders?
I can't open chests at an enemy's base!
How to find an offering to Odin?
What is the sanctum, and what for?
Where are treasuries located and how to open them?
When's the next update?
I have ideas for the next update, where can I send them?